Use the £ symbol, or p as an abbreviation of pence. Write out other currencies in full where possible. Use the pound symbol before the number, with pounds and pence separated by a full stop. For amounts under £1, use p as an abbreviation for pence. Do not tag. Examples The cost of replacing a card is £5.00. If you return your library book late, you will be charged 75p per day per book. Other currencies Unless in a table, write out in full the name of foreign currencies in all lower case. Examples Scientists will be granted fellowships worth £15,000 or the equivalent in euros. The dollar fell further against the Japanese yen. If dollars are not US dollars, specify the country. Examples The cost to residents was 40 Australian dollars. Twenty-five New Zealand dollars was the minimum payment. $NZ25 (to be used if including the currency in a table) This article was published on 2024-09-17